September 11

“Looking On”, Olympus Passion, November 2018

I am very happy to announce that “Olympus Passion” published a portion of my project, “Looking On, Watching the Building of the Freedom Tower”. Many thanks go out to Mauricio and Hugo of “Olympus Passion” for doing a great edit and a wonderful layout. Last, but not least, a huge HUGE thank you to MatteoContinue reading ““Looking On”, Olympus Passion, November 2018″

A Tribute To 9/11 – “Looking On, Watching the Building of the Freedom Tower”

About two years ago the company I work for was located downtown in the Financial District, not far from the site of the World Trade Towers. For close to three years, I worked on a self motivated project to photograph the visitors to “Ground Zero”. Those visitors also were witnessing the rebuilding of the WorldContinue reading “A Tribute To 9/11 – “Looking On, Watching the Building of the Freedom Tower””