
Women of Mott Street

Chinatown is one of my favorite places to photograph. I love the the atmosphere and especially the food. Chinatown is also the closest in feeling of any neighborhood of what Manhattan was like at the turn of the last century. The hustle and bustle of the people, shops that open onto the street, the manyContinue reading “Women of Mott Street”

“…fool’s errand.”

“The End Of Street Photography” – At Least For This New York City Photographer, by Michael Ernest Sweet I have written about the problems of street photography before, and my prediction for its ultimate collapse, but still it goes on. Nearly everyone agrees that street photography has become a repetitive, over-saturated, largely ignored genre inContinue reading ““…fool’s errand.””

“There is nothing wrong in that.”

The Tenderloin There was a fellow photographer whose work I discovered on Flickr and really liked. I gave a few comments on his work and he responded back favorably. He asked me for some advice, as he was going through a tough period finding the time to shoot, and working through issues both personally andContinue reading ““There is nothing wrong in that.””